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Counties Should Manage Background Checks for Non-Profits and Schools by Cameron Tinsler in Community

10 years ago, Cameron Tinsler said:

Is it possible to surround small images with a white background so they look better?

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Don't Burn My Buns! by Rachael A Zell in Products

10 years ago, Cameron Tinsler said:

Agreed, seats can get too hot! Maybe manufacturers could use a fabric that doesn't absorb as much heat, or transfer heat so quickly to skin.

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Incentivize the Albedo Effect by Cameron Tinsler in Community

10 years ago, Cameron Tinsler said:

Yes, if makers of exterior paints, for example, put an albedo number on the can it would be helpful to concerned buyers. Or stores themselves could include albido info on the shelves.

Also, just for comfort, I would like to see parking lot blacktop replaced with a light gray top. Pitch black lots heat up fast, and can be pretty uncomfortable to walk across on warm, sunny days.

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Incentivize the Albedo Effect by Cameron Tinsler in Community

10 years ago, Cameron Tinsler said:

Was unable to add an image to this Ivea. Wanted to use this:

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Counties Should Manage Background Checks for Non-Profits and Schools by Cameron Tinsler in Community

10 years ago, Cameron Tinsler said:

Can we build in some auto scaling for small images?

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Edible Wrapper for Butter Sticks by Cameron Tinsler in Food

9 years ago, Cameron Tinsler said:

That's a very good point, baking is a science.  Not sure if any substance out there would do the trick.  

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Buy a State Parks Pass with Car Registration by Cameron Tinsler in Community

9 years ago, Cameron Tinsler said:

They had better than 20% participation in December of 2011, the first year of the program which started October of that year.  I haven't found more recent data.  BTW, the passport includes state recreation areas and boat launches in addition to parks.

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Put Air Conditioner Drain Water to Use by Cameron Tinsler in Home

9 years ago, Cameron Tinsler said:

The AC manufacturers didn't intend to make distilled water for drinking, so condensate may contain heavy metals or other nastiness.  And if the homeowner hasn't kept it clean, the drain pipe can get moldy.  But yes, with proper filtration the water could be safe for human consumption.

Slightly different topic, the amount of water industrial scale AC units generate (think big box stores, supermarkets, high rises) could probably fill many Olympic swimming pools each day.  As water becomes a more precious commodity, I think we'll see this water captured and put to use.

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SF Giants need to trade for Troy Tulowitzki, because they're desperate enough - and because they can by Zachary Adam Zell in Athletics

9 years ago, Cameron Tinsler said:

The Giants managed to win the Series without double T.  Would you still recommend this trade?  If not, what's the mechanism to retire/archive an Ivia?  :-)

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Put Air Conditioner Drain Water to Use by Cameron Tinsler in Home

9 years ago, Cameron Tinsler said:

By the way, while the condensate water is technically distilled water, AC units are not built to make it safe for human consumption.  So don't drink it or cook with it.  More information is available here: 

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