
ImproveVia should eventually hire a team of artists to illustrate popular ivias

Some users would benefit if we could help make these look nice. We at ImproveVia would first look at hiring pioneers who have been rated highly productive for their contributed Illustrations.

by Zachary Adam Zell on May 19th, 2014, 12:53 pm PDT. This Ivia has been viewed 3,438 times. Last improved on August 25th, 2014, 9:39 pm PDT.

How we will choose our hirings

Based on facts not guesses

Artist employee criteria: order of importance

  1. Pioneers with Artistic Contributions
  2. Productive Rating
  3. Humorous Rating
  4. Professionalism

Eventually we will allow for body of work submissions

This could be huge

How this could effect you the pioneer

When a pioneer on the site decides he would like to submit this body of work (which includes their Public Ivias, Comments/Contributions, Points Rating, and Resume) a receiving company would then not only get access to the submitters Resume, but would also be able to better evaluate the candidate though the shared body of work, this is what makes ImproveVia standout in the Professional Stratosphere. This method of work sharing/information gathering may improve the hiring process around the world.

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About the Author

Zachary Adam Zell
Petaluma, California, United States
Founder and CEO at ImproveVia
Sonoma State University

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